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Skutecznosc programu szczepienie-eliminacja w utrzymywaniu statusu fermy swin wolnej od wirusa choroby Aujeszkyego

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the significance of control serological examinations in maintaining a pig farm’s status as being free from Aujeszky’s disease virus - Herpesvirus suis type 1 (SHV-1), through realising a vaccination - eradication programme. The studies were carried out in the biggest large-scale pig farm in Poland - farm B., having over 2000 reproductive pigs, where SHV-1 was eliminated using the above programme and at which further procedures in preventing SHV-1 reintroduction to farm B. were explained. Blood samples for serological examinations were taken randomly from 5% reproductive pigs and 5 fattening pigs from every fattening house. Serological examinations using gE-ELISA - Pseudorabies Virus gpl Antibody Test Kit (Herd Chek Anti - PRV gpl), IDEXX Lab. Inc. USA were performed. In 1999, three control examinations 4 months apart were undertaken on 653 pigs. Serological examinations revealed that the pig herd in farm B. was free from SHV-1, which proved the efficacy of the vaccination - eradication programme. The article discusses the risk factors involved in the realisation of Aujeszky’s disease (AD) eradication programmes as well as stressing the need to continue pig vaccinations in herds free from SHV-1 where there exists the risk of reinfection. It also emphasises the necessity to start the realisation of national AD eradication programme as soon as possible in the light of the imminent acceptance of Poland into the European Union.








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  • Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski, ul. Oczapowskiego 13, 10-957 Olsztyn


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