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Ksztaltowanie fizycznych i technologicznych cech nasion rzepaku w modelowanych warunkach przechowywania


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Formation of physical and technological properties of rapeseeds in model storage conditions

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Rapeseeds, due to their physical properties and chemical composition are more susceptible to storage conditions in silos and elevators than cereal grains. The study presents the result of investigation of an influence of storage conditions on rapeseeds physical properties and technological value.Methodology was elaborated and experimental stands constructed simulating conditions of real storage facilities. Physical properties of seeds were characterised by their susceptibility to damage in dynamic tests and by the number of "micro" damages during storage period. Modification of technological value of seeds was estimated by evaluation of oil features such as:acidic number LK, peroxide number LN, and chlorophyll content. Seeds of three varieties of winter rapeseed (Bolko, Leo and Polo) were used as an experimental material.Seeds harvested in one and two-stage harvest related various stage of maturnity.Results of the study corroborated reports of other autors concerning changes in some quality features due to storage conditions. Distinct influence of initial state of seeds (in the moment of loading) on their state during storage period was also observed. Factors such as moisture content of seeds, stage of maturity, degree of contamination and seeds variety had the strongest influence on maintaining quality during storage. Higher moisture content resulted in larger deformation of seeds and, in consequence in caking of the material. One hundred percent of seeds 11% in moisture content underwent this phenomenon. Time of their complete caking was dependent on storage temperature and maturity of seeds. Less matured seeds stored in higher temperature underwent caking sooner. Observed effects of permanent deformation have their practical confirmation in arching of layer of stored rapeseeds in a silo, causing its discharge in normal way impossible. Using experimental results model was formulated which may serve as a base for prediction of behaviour of seeds during storage and to prognosticate their further durability.







Opis fizyczny



  • Instytut Agrofizyki PAN, Lublin


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