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2005 | 08 | 4 |

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Effect of addition of feed antibiotic or probiotic on performance and composition of intestinal microflora of pigs

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In the individual two-stage system, being ended with the slaughter and slaughter evaluation of 32 crossbred pigs, the complete mixtures with the addition of antibiotic flavomycin or probiotic (strain of Pedicoccus acidilactici bacteria MA18/5M) (during the first fattening stage) were employed. Post-mortem quantitative and qualitative bacteriological tests and quantitative mycological tests on the determination of the contents of duodenum, jejunum, ileum and large intestine were carried out. The comparable results of fattening and slaughter evaluation of pigs in the groups were obtained. After administration of probiotic, the number of acidifying bacteria was increased and that of Enterobacteriaceae family decreased. The application of biostimulator in fattening occurred to be favourable from the production point of view and seems to be an suitable alternative to feed antibiotics.








Opis fizyczny


  • Warsaw Agricultural University, Ciszewskiego 8, 02-786 Warsaw, Poland


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