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2003 | 50 | 4 |

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Inhibition of collagen-induced platelet reactivity by DGEA peptide

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Direct interactions between collagen, the most thrombogenic component of the extracellular matrix, and platelet surface membrane receptors mediate platelet adhe­sion and induce platelet activation and aggregation. In this process two glyco- proteins are crucial: integrin a2β1, an adhesive receptor, and GPVI, which is espe­cially responsible for signal transduction. Specific antagonists of the collagen recep­tors are useful tools for investigating the complexity of platelet-collagen interactions. In this work we assessed the usefulness of DGEA peptide (Asp-Gly-Glu-Ala), the shortest collagen type I-derived motif recognised by the collagen-binding integrin a2β1, as a potential antagonist of collagen receptors. We examined platelet function using several methods including platelet adhesion under static conditions, platelet function analyser PFA-100™, whole blood electric impedance aggregometry (WBEA) and flow cytometry. We found that DGEA significantly inhibited adhesion, aggrega­tion and release reaction of collagen activated blood platelets. The inhibitory effect of DGEA on static platelet adhesion reached sub-maximal values at millimolar inhibi­tor concentrations, whereas the specific blocker of a2β1 — monoclonal antibodies Gi9, when used at saturating concentrations, had only a moderate inhibitory effect on platelet adhesion. Considering that 25-30% of total collagen binding to is specific, we conclude that DGEA is a strong antagonist interfering with a variety of collagen-platelet inter­actions, and it can be recognised not only by the primary platelet adhesion receptor but also by other collagen receptors.








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  • Medical University of Lodz, Zeromskiego 113, 90-549 Lodz, Poland


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