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2008 | 13 | 4 |

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In vitro evaluation of the cytotoxic and anti-proliferative properties of resveratrol and several of its analogs

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Resveratrol (RES), a component of red wine, possesses anti-inflammatory properties. The studies described in the present work were aimed at evaluating the potential for RES and related stilbene analogs (piceatannol, PIC; pterostilbene, TPS; trans-stilbene, TS; and trans-stilbene oxide, TSO) to exhibit toxicity towards RAW 264.7 mouse macrophages. The effect of TS, TSO, RES and TPS on RAW 264.7 macrophage viability was determined by two standard methods: (a) the MTT assay and (b) the trypan blue dye exclusion test. Whereas macrophages were more sensitive to PIC (LC50 trypan ∼ 1.3 μM) and to TPS (LC50 trypan ∼ 4.0 μM and LC50 MTT ∼ 8.3 μM) than to RES (LC50 trypan ∼ 8.9 μM and LC50 MTT ∼ 29.0 μM), they were relatively resistant to TSO (LC50 trypan ∼ 61.0 μM and LC50 MTT > 100 μM) and to TS (LC50 trypan ≥ 5.0 μM and LC50 MTT ≥ 5.0 μM). The ability of selected stilbenes (RES, TPS and PIC) to exhibit growth inhibitory effects was also examined. Although RES and TPS were observed to inhibit cell proliferation in macrophages (IC50 ≤ 25 μM), these cells were resistant to growth inhibition by PIC (IC50 ≥ 50 μM). The data obtained in the present analysis demonstrate that substituted stilbene compounds such as RES have the capacity to exhibit cytotoxic and anti-proliferative activities in macrophages.








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  • St.John's University, 8000 Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, NY 11439, USA


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