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Wplyw spoznionych przymrozkow oraz owadow na zdrowotnosc szyszek modrzewia europejskiego Larix decidua Mill.

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Results of the study on impact of the late ground frost on cones of Larix decidua Mill. and cono- and seminiphagous insects: Strobilomyia laricicola (Karl) and Megastigmus pictus (Först.) are given. On 120 twigs, each 1 m in length, the distance of cone from twig apex was measured. It was determined which cones were not damaged by frost, and which were dead. The data obtained were subjected to a statistical analysis using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov's test, Stu­dent's t-test and U Mann Whitney's test. No unequivocal correlation was found between position of a cone on the twig and the effect of low temperature. The late ground frost destroyed 218 cones (61,6%) of a 357 analysed. It was found that the mature cones (not destroyed by the late frost) often (56,1%) were inhabited by S. laricicola. Seeds extracted from these cones, were dissected, and it was found that seeds were infested by M. pictus. This seminiphagous insect destroyed from 0,6% to 7,2% of seeds (3,3% of 3000 analysed). The cones were collected in southern Poland from 30 larches on six localities (5 in each loc.) in a national park, seed plantations and in a managed stand during the growing season of 2001.






Opis fizyczny



  • Akademia Rolnicza, Al. 29 Listopada 46, 31-425 Krakow


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