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2007 | 55 | 4 |

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Soil mesofauna [Acarina and Collembola] along transects crossed shelterbelts of different age and adjacent fields


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The communities of soil mesofauna were studied in the year 2004 along three transects crossed shelterbelts of different age (6, 11 and 170 years old) and adjacent wheat fields at a distance of 0.5, 15 and 50 m. Studies were carried out in the Gen. D. Chłapowski Landscape Park near Turew, Western Poland (16°45’E, 52°01’W). The age of shelterbelts vegetation affected soil mesofauna of adjacent fields in a diverse way. The mean density of mites amounts 7.4 × 10³ ind. m⁻² and 2.6 × 10³ ind. m⁻² respectively for the shelterbelts and fields. Densities of Acarina communities were affected not only by the presence of a shelterbelt (P = 0.000) but also its age (P = 0.02) and the distance from it (P = 0.000), and these effects were similar in spring and autumn (P = 0.08). The mean density of springtail noted in shelterbelts of different age was 2.0 × 10³ ind. m⁻² and in the field sites 2.2 × 10³ ind. m⁻². Although the effect of the shelterbelts’ age on the density of Collembola was not found (P = 0.3), the densities were different in shelterbelts and in adjacent fields (P = 0.006) but statistical significance was found only between spring and autumn (P = 0.000). The distance from the shelterbelt influenced (though less intensely) the density of Collembola on adjacent field (P = 0.01). Eighteen species of Collembola were found in studied shelterbelts and fields. Isotoma notabilis Schäff. usually dominated in shelterbelts. Its contribution to abundance of communities varied depending on the age of shelterbelts (in 6 years old shelterbelt it constituted as many as 71% of the whole community). In 11 years old shelterbelt Schoetella ununguiculata (Tullb.), was more common than Isotoma notabilis Schäff. and in the 170 years old shelterbelt the dominant species was Onychiurus armatus (Tullb.). Friesea mirabilis (Tullb.), Proisotoma minuta (Tullb.), Isotoma notabilis or Onychiurus armatus dominated in adjacent fields though their contribution was depended on shelterbelt’s age and on the distance from it.








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  • Polish Academy of Sciences, Konopnickiej str.1, 05-092 Lomianki, Poland


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