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Ocena produkcji pierwotnej laki trwalej w aspekcie metodycznym


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Studies on primary production of meadow were conducted off using three methods. One of them (Traczyk’s method) calculates total net primary production as amount of individual population production. Further, Wiegert-Evans’ and Titlianova’s methods calculates production as total of growth, dying and decomposition of biomass. The aim of attempt such study was unlike between results used in different studies with different methods. Differences in results was particularly significant in grasslands. One reason of these differences could be different methods of estimations. Study was performer through two years (1988, 1989), in mosaic agricultural landscape of Turew region (western Poland), on four hectare meadow, flanked by crop fields. Plant cover of meadow was diversified along moisture gradient from wet meadow with Phalaris arundinacea to dry sward with Briza media. Course of plants’ biomass dynamic was similar in both years. Aboveground parts reached maximal biomass in the summer and belowground parts in the late autumn. The one difference was different initial biomass level (low in 1988 and high in 1989). It was a result of slight dying of roots during soft winter 1988/89. Amount of decomposition of dead biomass was dependent on method. Especially decomposition of aboveground parts was diversified and the highest was gained with Titlianova’s method - 1248.05 (in 1988) and 955.0 g m⁻² d.w. in 1989. Total net primary production gained by Traczyk’s method (only in 1989 year) was 1123.42 g m⁻² d.w., by Wiegert-Evans’ method 1315.98 g m⁻² d.w. and by Titlianova’s method 2295.73 g m⁻² d.w. Results obtained with Titlianova’s method are about 30% higher then others. The difference is a result of including roots decomposition because aboveground production was almost same with all three methods. Test X² support this thesis. Statistically significant difference between share of aboveground parts production in total primary production was found. Results used in presented paper evidence, that allowing aboveground production as proportional to total net primary production, in the case of grasslands, could lead to biases.






Opis fizyczny



  • Stacja Badawcza PAN Turew, ul.Szkolna 4, 64-000 Koscian


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