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Grzyby endofityczne w zywych iglach Pinus silvestris L.

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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad mikoflorą endofityczną w żywych igłach Pinus silvestris, nie wykazujących objawów chorobowych. Częstotliwość zasiedlania igieł przez grzyby podano w zależności od wieku drzew, wieku igieł, usytuowania igieł w koronie drzew i pory roku.
The study material consisted of living symptomless needles of P. sylvestris collected in 2-year-old and 13-year-old stands in the В rynek management unit during three terms: September 1989, November 1989 and March 1990, In 13-year-old stand ten needles of the 1-st and ten of the 2-nd year were collected in the lower and upper part of the crown of six trees. In 2-year-old stand two primary needles were collected from each of the 30 1-year-old seedlings originating from natural regeneration, and the same number of needles of the 1 -st year from 30 2-year-old seedlings originating from artificial regeneration by direct seeding. In total, 1080 needles were utilized in the study. Needle surface disinfection was accomplished using sublimate or natrium hypochlorite. After disinfection each needle was divided into six even length sections (6480 needle sections in total) and placed on malt agar in Petri dishes. In 2-year-old stand rate of infection was 73.9% of needles, while that in 13-year-old stand 87.4%. In total 2622 cultures of fungi were isolated, among which 45 species of fungi were identified. The following six species were characterized by high frequency of occurrence: Anthostomella formosa, Cenangium ferruginosum, Cyclaneusma minus, Lophodermium pinastri, Lophodermium seditiosum and Sclerophoma pythiophila (tab. 1). Alternaria alternata, Aureobasidium pullulans, Cladosporium spp., Epicoccum nigrum and Sclerophoma pythiophila were isolated more frequently from the needles disinfected with sublimate then from the needles disinfected with natrium hypochlorite (tab. 1), In 13-year-old stand the infection rate of the 2-nd year needles was by about 20% higher than the infection rate of the 1-st year needles (tab. 2). Needle colonization frequency depended on that, whether they were situated in the lower or upper part of the tree crown (fig. 1). For most fungi no preference for a specific needle section, e.g. base, the middle, or apex, was observed (tab. 3).






Opis fizyczny



  • Akademia Rolnicza, Krakow


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