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2007 | 31 | 3-4 |

Tytuł artykułu

Szlaki turystyczne jako element integracji regionow transgranicznych


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Tourist routes as an integrating factor in cross-border regions

Języki publikacji



W artykule przedstawiono znaczenie szlaków turystycznych we współpracy transgranicznej. Określono wpływ rozwoju sieci tras transgranicznych na rozwój społeczny i ekonomiczny euroregionów. Zdefiniowano pojęcia turystyka trans- -graniczna i trans graniczny szlak turystyczny. Zaprezentowano najważniejsze trasy turystyczne w poszczególnych euroregionach.
Cross-border tourism, a phenomenon with several centuries' tradition, can become a leading form of tourism. It emerged along with the demarcation and establishment of state frontiers. However, it gained a new dimension with the intensification and institutionalisation of cross-border cooperation in the second half of the 20th century. The development of cross-border tourism has become an opportunity for peripheral regions. In Poland, it is driven by euroregions. The first Polish proving ground in this regard was the Neisse euroregion. The observations to date lead to a conclusion that the dynamic growth of cross-border tourism has been possible thanks to huge financial support of EU funds allocated to cross-border cooperation. Cross-border tourism will best develop by opening tourist border crossings. Another important factor will be the marking out of tourist routes from Poland to the neighbouring states. The adaptation of protected areas for tourist purposes is also important.Cross-border tourism is defined as tourism within a cross-border region motivated by the region's tourist product. Tourist products include routes as well as natural or cultural cross-border resources. It should be emphasized that domestic traffic including incoming and outgoing tourism in the border region, which is a component of the cross-border region, is not cross-border tourism. In Poland the activities related to cross-border tourism development are carried on mainly by the Polish Tourist Organisation. On the Organisation's initiative, the Bank of Tourist Products was established, with 6 product categories, one of them being the cross-border tourism. The initiative is supported, inter alia, by starting up a tourist information system, releasing tourist publications, organising tourism fairs. The main purpose of tourist routes running through cross-border regions is to strengthen the possibilities of developing environmental-friendly tourism. They contribute to initiating and supporting the activities of local communities of those regions, sharing the same history, but currently separated by the border. They encourage external investors to create tourist & recreational base in cross-border regions. The creation and promotion of those unique tourist products - primarily theme routes, unique in the whole Europe, sometimes even globally - increases the attractiveness of border areas. The routes run through areas with exceptional natural and cultural qualities. The creation of routes involves the promotion of entire cross-border regions, and the presentation of their culture, monuments and cuisine. All these are incentives for the region's inhabitants and tourist to explore the area. Tourist routes help activate and develop local communities in cross -border regions, and to stimulate and develop local business. They facilitate the identification of rich historical and cultural connections between nations, they help to deepen and propagate the awareness of common routes of cultural identity. They initiate spiritual revival, and contribute to materialisation of the idea on the integration of nations. The most attractive tourist routes: - „Oil Route" and „The Footsteps of Aleksander Fredro" in Carpathian Euro- region; - Dominican Route in Neman euroregion; - Protestant Route, Orthodox Route, Spa Route in Carpathian Euroregion; - Komańcza-Medzilaborce biking Route in Carpathian Euroregion; - Biking Routes ER-2 „Liczyrzepa - Rüibezahl - Krakonos", ER-6 „Bóbr Valley", Dresden-Wrocław ER-4 in Neisse euroregion; - church route, legend route, palace and castle route, tobacco route, mill and windmill route in Pomerania euroregion; - biking route „Gołdap-Krasnieznamiensk-Ilguva" in Sesupe euroregion. Tourist routes support the development of tourism in cross-border regions and their promotion, education and the study of the natural and historical qualities of cross-border regions, the integration of societies separated by the border, the limitation of harmful effects on areas of particular protection.








Opis fizyczny



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