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Lokalny program rewitalizacji a koncepcja zrownowazonego rozwoju miasta


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Local revitalisation programme and the concept of sustainable urban development

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Rewitalizacja obszarów zdegradowanych/kryzysowych traktowana jest w UE jako element polityki zrównoważonego, trwałego rozwoju miast. Zasady metodyczne planowania i wdrażania rewitalizacji według koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju wypracował międzynarodowy zespół naukowców i samorządowców w ramach projektu badawczego „Sustainabłe renovation of buildings for sustainable neighbourhoods" (2004 r.). Przedstawione w tym projekcie zasady, cele i procedura planowania zrównoważonej rewitalizacji przyjęto jako podstawę oceny lokalnych programów rewitalizacji wybranych dziesięciu miast polskich.
Revitalisation of cities is strictly associated with the concept of sustainable, continuous development. In the EU it is considered an element of the policy of sustainable urban development. The methodical principles of planning and carrying out revitalisation under the concept of sustainable development, have been worked out by an international team of scientists and local ogovernment representatives, under the research project „Sustainable renovation of buildings for sustainable neighbourhoods" (2004)1. The rules, objectives and procedure of planning sustainable revitalisation set forth in that project, have been adopted as the basis for the assessment of local revitalisation programmes of ten selected Polish cities (Bielsko-Biala, Chojnice, Gdańsk, Kielce, Łódż, Mrągowo, Olsztyn, Poznań, Stalowa Wola, Żyrardów)The results of the analysis of revitalisation programmes from 2004-2006, point to difficulties in following an integrated, consistent with the guidelines of sustainable development, planning and programming of urban development and revitalisation in Poland. Conclusions on the approach to revitalisation planning/programming consistent with the guidelines of sustainable development, are the following: 1) Revitalisation of degraded areas should be part of a comprehensive policy of urban sustainable development. The revitalisation strategy should be determined for the entire city area, and the operational programme - for specific degraded/crisis areas, set forth in the general strategic plan. Revitalisation opertations should focus on areas particularly heavily affected by crisis symptoms. For large cities, it is essential to take into account the correlation between the „urban sprawl" and the degrading of internal urban areas. 2) The principles and objectives of sustainable urban development should be the basis for planning and programming revitalisation. Sustainable development indicators should be used to monitor the progress of implementing objectives. The objectives of revitalisation (for the whole city and area selected for revitalisation) and implementation indicators as well, should be determined in categories of inhabitants' improved living standards, in line with the concept of sustainable, continuous development. They should include various aspects of local community's everyday life, and should be mutually interrelated. 3) In terms of the method of developing the revitalisation programme in context of sustainable urban development, the following elements should be emphasised: - Integrated, not sectoral approach to working on the programme; addressing social, economic, environmental and technical aspects of revitalisation in their mutual relations, - Interactive programming, due to the need to take decisions (in various fields) many times and simultaneously, - Main stages singled out in the revitalisation process, namely: 1) decision on revitalising a given degraded area (on basis of its vision and identified problems); 2) diagnosed crisis situation (on basis of data/information in the group structure of distinctive objectives, and addressing different areas), priorities and detailed objectives of revitalisation; 3) general concept of revitalisation (on basis of operation scenarios and their evaluating); 4) programme of operations (list of projects, their aims, execution costs, financing sources, implementation timetable) and its implementing process (monitoring procedure and manner of evaluating the plan of operations based on a proper list of indicators), - Applying adequate techniques, namely the SWOT analysis in the diagnostic part (to determine the crisis area's capability to overcome.its collapse) and development scenarios for the degraded area in the conceptual part (to select the direction of revitalisation), - Considering in the full process of programming, the principle of local community's participation in the same, and public-private partnership; determining the forms of social engagement and the process of establishing a partnership, - Creating the programme as a tool to manage the sustainable development of a city and degraded areas, with the participation of local community. 4) It is necessary to create databases in municipal/communal offices, enabling to analyse and evaluate crisis situation in urban space, delimit degraded/ crisis areas, monitor the progress of implementing individual projects, and of the entire revitalisation programme. Geoinformatics should be used, applying GIS to determine the intensity of crisis situations. 5) There is a necessity to integrate various organisational units, established to develop the programme, into one structure managing the revitalisation process. 6) Within the system changes of the scope of planning development and spatial economy, it is essential to integrate social-economic and spatial planning on all levels of state management, and to adopt as legal regulations the principles of urban revitalisation planning/programming (preferably in form of a dedicated law, enacted by parliament).








Opis fizyczny



  • Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Mieszkalnictwa, ul.Targowa 45, 03-728 Warszawa


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