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2003 | 48 | 4 |

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Seasonal home range shift of red deer in a forest-agriculture area in Southern Hungary

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A long-term radiotelemetry study on red deer Cervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758 was carried out in a lowland forest-agriculture area in Hungary between 1993-2000. Previous observations suggested seasonal changes in population distribution between forested and agricultural habitat. Red deer concentrated in the forest during winter, but they appeared in the agricultural field during the vegetational period. We investigated the ranging behaviour, testing two alternative hypotheses: home range expansion and home range shift. Weekly radiotelemetry localisations revealed that 9 of 28 hinds showed a clear home range shift from the forest to the agricultural area for a prolonged time during the vegetational period. The remaining portion of the animals used a home range within the forest throughout the entire year. Diet composition analysis using indicator plant species showed that neither daily passages between habitats, nor home range expansion exists. These ranging behaviours were stable hence, if an animal shifted one year it shifted again in consecutive years and vice versa. Our results could be useful for the successful management of red deer populations in such complex habitats and to decrease agricultural damage.









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  • St.Stephen University, 2103 Godollo, Pater K. u. 1, Hungary


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