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Genera of Colydiinae [Coleoptera: Zopheridae] of the Australo-Pacific region

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The genera of Colydiinae (Coleoptera, Zopheridae) of the Australo-Pacific are revised. The group, as currently delimited, includes genera of the former family Colydiidae, except the tribe Pycnomerini (Pycnomerus, Pycnomerodes, Dechomus). In total 52 genera are recorded from the region. Diagnoses, descriptions and illustrations for each genus are provided. A key to the genera is given. The following 13 new genera are described (type species in parentheses): Acolophoides (A. storeyi sp. nov.); Acostonotus (A. squamosus sp. nov.); Bulasconotus (B. solomon sp. nov.); Cicablabus (C. micros sp. nov.); Notocoxelus (Coxelus helmsi Reitter, 1880); Epistranodes (Epistranus tibialis Carter and Zeck, 1937); Faecula (F. cristata sp. nov.); Hybonotus (H. fasciatus sp. nov.); Lascobitoma (L. weiri sp. nov.); Lobomesa (Bitoma parva Blackburn, 1888); Tarphiablabus (T. watti sp. nov.); Tentablabus (T. fulvus sp. nov.); Todimopsis (T. kuscheli sp. nov.). New generic synonyms proposed are as follows (synonym first): Symphysitis Broun, 1909 = Ablabus Broun, 1880; Coniophaea Pascoe, 1863b, Phormesa Pascoe, 1863a = Bitoma Herbst, 1793; Vitiacus Broun, 1893b = Chorasus Sharp, 1882; Asprecodes Nakane, 1990 = Cerchanotus Erichson, 1845; Caanthus Champion, 1894 = Ciconissus Broun, 1893a; Mnionychus Carter, 1926 = Enhypnon Carter, 1919; Gathocles Broun, 1893b, Protarphius Broun, 1893a = Heterargus Sharp, 1886; Sympanotus Sharp, 1886 = Namunaria Reitter, 1882b; Dryptops Broun, 1882, Sparactus Erichson, 1845, Recyntus Broun, 1882, Enarsus Pascoe, 1866 = Pristoderus Hope, 1840; Acosmetus Broun, 1880 = Syncalus Sharp, 1876b; Bupala Pascoe, 1863c, Cicones Curtis, 1827 = Synchita Hellwig, 1792. The following new combinations are established, the generic name after parentheses referring to previous generic assignments: Ablabus serratus (Broun, 1909), Symphysitis; Bitoma lunaris (Pascoe, 1863a), Phormesa; Cerchanotus ogasawarensis (Nakane, 1990), Asprecodes; Ciconissus gibbicollis (Champion, 1894), Caanthus; Chorasus costatus (Broun, 1893b), Vitiacus; Enhypnon horridus (Carter, 1919), Mnionychus; Epistranodes tibialis (Carter and Zeck, 1937), Epistranus; Heteragus nodosus (Broun, 1893b), Gathocles; H. ruficornis (Broun, 1893a), Protarphius; Lobomesa parva (Blackburn, 1888), Bitoma; L. caudata (Carter and Zeck, 1937), Phormesa; Notocoxelus helmsi (Reitter, 1880), Coxelus; Namunaria pieta (Sharp, 1885a), Sympanotus; Pristoderus tuberculatus (Broun, 1880), Recyntus; P. dorsalis (Broun, 1882), Dryptops; P. interruptus (Erichson, 1842), Sparactus; P. bakewellii (Pascoe, 1866), Enarsus; Synagathis puteolata (Carter and Zeck, 1937), Bitoma; Synchita variegata (Hellwig, 1792), Cicones; S. pullata (Pascoe, 1863c), Bupala; Syncalus oblongus (Broun, 1880), Acosmetus.









Opis fizyczny



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