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Rzeka Odra - wielofunkcyjna infrastruktura gospodarki


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The river Odra - a multifunctional economic infrastructure

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Infrastruktura drogi wodnej ma charakter wielofunkcyjny: transportowy, energetyczny, ekologiczny, wodnogospodarczy, społeczny. Obecnie Odra, będąca osią gospodarczą Nadodrza, jest wykorzystywana znacznie poniżej swoich możliwości. Aby sprostać zadaniu włączenia jej do europejskiego systemu dróg wodnych, konieczna jest jej zabudowa stopniami wodnymi. W okresie docelowym uzyskano by parametry drogi wodnej kl.Vb. Ze względu na ograniczone możliwości gospodarki polskiej celowe jest etapowe uruchamianie kolejnych obiektów. W okresie przejściowym proponuje się przeprowadzenie remontów i renowacji budowli piętrzących i regulacyjnych, a także istniejących śluz oraz zbudowanie dwóch nowych stopni wodnych. Pozwoliłoby to osiągnąć zróżnicowane odcinkowo parametry kl .III/Vb i zaspokoić rosnący w nadchodzącym dwudziestoleciu popyt na przewozy żeglugą śródlądową. W długim okresie nie rozpoznano pełnych skutków wpływu zabudowy rzeki na stosunki wodne i współzależności przyrodnicze, natomiast wiadomo, że zakres robót przewidziany w I etapie nie zakłóciłby równowagi ekologicznej. Chociaż przedsięwzięcie jest kosztowne, to ocena ekonomiczna potwierdziła jego efektywność we wszystkich stosowanych kryteriach i etapach realizacji. Brak decyzji o zabudowie spowoduje ponoszenie znacznie większych kosztów zaniechania.
The values of the Odra as a transport route are usually pushed to the foreground, although the river can play other important functions, all the more so as the technical requirements of the waterway favour development. The water resources of the Odra are smaller by about 40% than those of the Vistula. In its catchment area (about 107,000 km2 in the Polish territory) there are 25 retention reservoirs with the total flood retention capacity of 200 million m3. They level out flows, making small water resources more useful and less harmful in terms of flood hazards. Throughout its course the Odra plays economic functions in the areas banking on it, mainly water supplies, reception of water discharges and freight transport. It is the economic axis of the Odraland, running through the eight voivodships adjacent to it and being the border river for Germany. It provides potential opportunies for linking the Baltic Sea with the Danubian countries, in the west - with the waterways of Western Europe, and in the east - with Kaliningrad and Brest. The transport function of the Odra is now hardly used. The already existing assets, however, are a considerable potential, favouring the implementation of the predicted increase in freight transport. To achieve it (27.8 million t/year over 20 years and 50 million t/ycar over the next 15 years), it would be nccessary to build a waterway with the target parameters of category Vb. It is possible to build such a waterway by staging the river with more than 50 dams the cost of which is about 60 trillion ZŁ in the 1992 prices. Given the limited funds, the aforementioned target should be phased in. The first (intermediate) phase could be finished in about 2015. Due to repairs and renovation of damming and regulating structures, the existing locks and the construction of 2 new stages of water fall, it is possible to achieve the parameters of a waterway of categories Ill/Vb, with sections of varying nature. The intensity of freight transport after the execution of the transitional phase (Fig. 2) indicates that most freight mass will be transported from the south to the north and only half of the freight mass carried in the main direction will go upriver. The reloading needs resulting from the transport, estimated at 37 million t/year, will essentially require a new potential only at inland ports. The impact of the waterway on the environment following the target construction has not been fully identified. It is known that the water level will rise in the Odra, changing the water regime in the adjacent areas. It is estimated, on the other hand, that in the transitional phase the general impact of the modernized waterway on the environment will be positive or unharmful. It is interesting to note the reduction of the adverse effect of substitute means of overland transport, after some part of freight transport has been taken over by the inland navigation, and the saturation of the partially drying riverside forests in the area of the Middle Odra. The economic evaluation of the project indicates that the minimal conditions of efficiency are met for all criteria. It does not include the political benefits which will be felt earliest, because the decision to incorporate the Odra waterway into the European system of waterways will favour the reorientation of transport in the neighbouring countries.








Opis fizyczny



  • Uniwersytet Gdanski, ul.Armii Krajowej 119-121, Sopot


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