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1996 | 43 | 4 |

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Stan i perspektywy walki biologicznej z chwastami


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This review presents: 1) advantageous characteristics of phytophagous organisms recommended for biological weed control, 2) advantageous characteristics of weed plants selected for biological control, 3) criteria and methods of selection of herbivorus organisms for introduction, 4) mycoherbicides, 5) examples of effective actions, 6) current directions of studies and trial introductions, 7) conclusions. It accentuates that the biological method is more difficult than other methods but often profitable and effective. Most effective are phytophagous organisms attacking generative weed organs, especially those causing the formation of galls. Good results were obtained both in biological control of water and land weeds, particularly in the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia nad New Zealand.








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  • Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa


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