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Wplyw metali ciezkich na uklad pasozyt-zywiciel


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Now in the time especially intensive development of industry the question of environment pollution became very important. According to review of the problem heavy metals are one of the most hazardous constituents of xenobiotics. Their toxic effects, among other, are manifested directly on the elements of the immune system as well on the modification of the immune response. The influence of heavy metals on the host-parasite system is rather poorly recognized and here we are discused about it, according to literature and own experience. Special attention is paying to their impact on the immune response of infected and treated with lead, cadmium or mercury host and on the parasite. The definitive host eg. fishes and their some parasite can be used as potential accumulation indicators of aquatic environment of heavy metal pollution.








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  • Wojskowy Instytut Higieny i Epidemiologii, ul.Kozielska 4, 01-163 Warszawa


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