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Late Pliocene Soricidae [Insectivora, Mammalia] from Varshets [North Bulgaria]


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The rich and well-preserved bone material of six shrew species extracted from the filling of a karstic cavity near the town of Varshets (Prebalkan region, North Bulgaria) is described. The samples of Beremendia fissidens, Asoriculus gibberodon, Sorex cf. minutus and S. runtonensis represent relatively large forms of these species, while Petenyia hungarica does not grately differ from the other European populations. The Varshets record of S. runtonensis extends the stratigraphical range of the species into the Late Pliocene. The skull fragments determined as Mafia aff. csarnotensis show that this species has four upper antemolars; this number has not so far been known and the studied material contributes to the characteristic of this poorly known genus. The position of the Varshets assemblage within the context of the temporal and spatial variation of the species composition and structure of 23 Pliocene and Early Pleistocene shrew associations from Europe is assessed by correspondence analysis. The results point to a mosaic environment under a relatively warm and dry climate. On the basis of this analysis the ecological interpretation of Asoriculus gibberodon as a strict dweller in wet forests is questioned. The comparisons indicate that it tends to occur in shrew associations related to mosaic landscapes dominated by shrubby and open habitat patches.








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  • Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Tsar Osvoboditel 1, 1000 Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria


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