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Iberian wild cat Felis silvestris tartessia predation on rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus: functional response and age selection

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Functional response and prey age selection have been studied for predator-prey relationships between the Iberian wild cat Felis silvestris tartessia Miller, 1907 and the rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus, 1758) through the study of the seasonal wild cat's diet and variations in rabbit availability in south-east Spain. This prey formed 73,7% of the total consumed biomass and was negatively correlated with trophic diversity. The wild cat showed a functional response approximate to Holling's type 2, exhibiting a high dependence on rabbit. The age class preferred was that of the juvenile rabbit, the smallest age class, and such hunting behaviour may be considered to be opportunistic. Results are discussed within the context of the relationship between the great size of this wild cat subspecies and the body size of the principal Iberian prey in Mediterranean areas, the rabbit.









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  • Universidad of Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain


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