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1995 | 33 |

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Budowa, struktura, dynamika i mozliwosci produkcyjne gornoreglowych borow swierkowych w Babiogorskim Parku Narodowym

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Przeprowadzone w 1994 roku badania kontrolne wykazały, w porównaniu do 1984 г., bardzo wyraźne zmniejszenie się zasobności drzewostanów (w granicach ud 30 do 72 m na czterech powierzchniach i nieznaczny jej wzrost na jednej (o 2,9 m /ha); ponadto zwiększyła się bardzo znacznie miąższość posuszu, żywych złomów i leżaniny. Zachodzące procesy zakłóciły, jak należy przypuszczali, naturalne tendencje rozwojowe borów pierwotnych, wyrażające się następstwem charakterystycznych stadiów i faz. Przyczyną tego jest najprawdopodobniej nałożenie się szkodliwego oddziaływania wywalających wiatrów i śniegu waz osłabienie żywotności świerczyn przez imisje przemysłowe.
The discussed results concern changes occurring in the period 1984-1994 in a number оf traits on 5 plots of spruce stands of virgin character in the upper montane forest zone (Table 1). During the decade the stand volume of the four investigated stands (plots I, II, III, and IV) decreased (Table 2), the greatest reduction being found on Czerwony Szlak plot (almost by 72 m3/ha) and the smallest one on Górny Płaj (slightly over 30 m3/ha). On Akademicka Perć plot only the stand volume increased by almost 2.9 m3/ha. As at the beggining of the control period so in 1994 the greatest stand volume was recorder on the Górny Płaj plot lying in the lowest zone (591 and 561 m3/ha. respectively). The smallest volume charakterized the Akademicka Perć plot (322 and 325 m3/ha) (Tables 2 and 3). Irrespective of the altitude above sea level and the developmental stage, the Babia Góra stands showed total numbers decreasing by 24-52 trees. In the 10-year period the current annual increment reached small values varying from 1.6 m3/ha-4.0 m3/ha (Table 2). The investigated stands were characterized by a slight differentiation in stand increment classification determined by criteria given by Flury. They reached indices IV and V, i.e. showed a very small variability in spite of the greatley varied altitude above sea level (Table 4). The indices of stands quality classification determined by Schwappach's tables on the basis of age and the upper height, showed distinct differences (from II—V) (Table 4). The distribution of diameters at breast height is given in Table 6 and fig. 1, and of heights in Table 7 and figs 2 and 3. In 1994 the best quality charakterized stands lying at lower altitudes (Markowe Szczawiny and Czerwony Szlak) and the poorest one an object lying slightly below the upper forest zone (Akademicka Perć) (Table 5). During the 10-year period the vitality of spruce forests this begin expressed by a greater share of weakened trees (class 30) deteriorated in all the stands, from a double increase in plot II to an over 9 times increase in plot V (Table 11). The process of dieback increased the volume of standing deadwood from about 1.3 (plot IV) to over 8 times (plot 11) (also cf Table 9 and fig. 4). In the period of the investigation the volume of lying deadwood also rose (Table 10). Breaking winds contributed to the intensified destruction of the Markowe Szczawiny and Czerwony Szlak stands, as manifested by increased numbers of broken trees in them both (over 4 and 5 times, respectively) and also by an increased percentage of live broken individuals in the total number of live trees (Table 15). The increased volume оf dead trees, exeptionally severe in the Żółty Szlak stands (an over 8 times increase in the volume of standing deadwood) (Table 9), indicates another destructive factor which probably is the pollution of the investigated forests with industrial emissions. Analyses of sulphur content in sprute needles from the Markowe Szczawiny and Akademicka Perć stands showed a fairly great amount of this element (0.15% in each of them) [10] exceeding that regarded as natural (011 %) [15]. The estimates of the regeneration condition is given in Table 13. The presented changes significantly effects an intensified course of stages and developmental phases; this observation concerns four stands (plots 1, II, 111, and V) (Table I and 14), The Akademicka Perť stand lying at the highest altitude, was found most stable and characterized by trails of a fully developed optimal stage (figs 5-9). In the 10-years period number of destructive changes occurred as expressed by a pronounced reduction of the growing stock and increased amounts of deadwood and lying trees, endangering the stability of the Babia Góra spruce stands in the upper montane forest zone. In the contaminated spruce forests of the upper montane zone damage inflicted by wind may intensify not only the pattern of the phases of ageing and the destruction stage in stands of a simple one-storied structure but also in those of a complex constitution and structure in the upgrowing stage. The results concerning the regeneration of spruce in strict reserves of nature suggest the necessity of measures intensifying the sowing of this species in partial reserves (the preparation of soils) or the artificial regencration. These measures should be associated with the removal of single declining, strongly weakened spruce trees.






Opis fizyczny




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