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2005 | 29 | 1-4 |

Tytuł artykułu

Wykup ziemi rolniczej przez cudzoziemcow


Warianty tytułu

Buyout of agricultural lands by foreigners

Języki publikacji



Restrukturyzacja, a właściwie prywatyzacja gospodarstw rolniczych należących do skarbu państwa była jednym z celów polityki względem wsi po 1991 r. Czy podejmując decyzję o sposobie i okolicznościach przeprowadzenia tych zmian uświadamiano sobie większość związanych z jej realizacją skutków w pozostałych sferach zagospodarowania obszarów wiejskich? Czy zakładano, że ubocznym efektem żywiołowej prywatyzacji będzie pogłębianie się regionalnych różnic w strukturze rolnictwa i związanych z nimi napięć społecznych i nowych zjawisk w zagospodarowaniu wsi? Czy kapitał zagraniczny odegrał tu jakąś rolę i jakie procesy uboczne zostały uruchomione?
In Poland, agricultural land is currently recognised as one of market goods and its sale is controlled by the supply and demand balance. Farmers intending to extend their fields perceive each reduction in the supply resulting from acquisition or lease of farmland by competitors as the act of preventing their farms from further development. Thus, each land purchase or lease with the preemption option is treated as buying out. The paper presents the scale of state-owned agricultural turnover of lands includingthose which foreign investors are interested in. The process was analysed in the context of management of rural areas as revealed by scientific research, agricultural policy assumed in successive official documents and finally against the background of the Central Statistical Office data - national census and census of agriculture. Also, an attempt was made to identify the actual approach to the problems of management of rural areas, laid down in the spatial development plans and strategies for development in provinces in which restructuring of former state-owned farms constituted one of the most important problems. Thanks to the questionnaire survey on the municipalities (70% of them got involved into the problem exploration) it was possible to describe how land ownership with foreign capital functions in a local milieu. Among others, it was found that most municipalities in which foreigners invest are complex socio-economic entities where large-area agriculture exists along with other activities, and earlier development was related rather to non-agricultural sphere of production and services. Most probably that is why one can see gradual restructuring process in the municipalities where former state-owned farm existed, in spite of economic exclusion of a group of people who used to be employed at state owned farms. Foreign investments in farms were found not to support municipality development but rather maintain existing adverse effects of liquidation of state-owned farming. Additionaly, a lack of spatial co-ordination between policies on development and management of rural areas and agriculture declared in governmental spatial development plans and the scale and structure of the actual state aid in the form of preferential credits for agriculture was recognized. We believe that due to the modest scale of that aid, acceleration of the restructuring process might be achieved through extension of regional policy instruments by the system of legal regulations diversifying such issues as tax charge scale, reduced payments for changing intended land use from agricultural to other purposes, simplification and thus reduced costs of spatial planning. The paper describes a model of land buyout and stimulators and inhibitors of the process. A statistical analysis was applied to make the results objective. The model should not be recognised as a determinant but rather some source of information on hypothetical course of buying out lands providing earlier conditions remain unchanged. The obtained results clearly show that the process of land buyout is closely related to the range of large-area agriculture and rudimentary settlements based on family farms. In regions where family farms constitute the main element of agricultural land management in rural areas, the phenomenon of land buyout by foreign investors does not occur or is of marginal importance.

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  • Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Mieszkalnictwa, ul.Targowa 45, 03-392 Warszawa


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