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2012 | 60 | 1 |

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Landscape scale of topography-soil-vegetation relationship: influence of land use and land form

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This article presents the effects exerted by the differences in land use on the relationships between soil and vegetation along a topographical gradient (catena). In the study 35 plots (20 m2, with 2 m up and 10 m across the slope) from two transects (forest – 2600 m and field – 1400 m, (with the lowest plot at 209.6 m a.s.l., and the highest at 253.5 m a.s.l. the lowest at 199.7 m a.s.l. and the highest at 230 m a.s.l, respectively) were selected and classified into three groups (depletion, transition, accumulation), depending upon the processes of erosion or accumulation. The analysed variables were following: topographical characteristics, soil parameters, number of vascular plant species, and geobotanical indicators as soil moisture (Fwm), soil acidity (Rwm), nitrogen content in the soil (Nwm) according to Ellenberg (Ellenberg et al. 1991), soil humus and organic matter (Hwm) and soil dispersion and aeration (Dwm) according to Zarzycki (Zarzycki et al. 2002). The analyses showed that relationships between hypsometry, soil characteristics and geobotanical indicators were different, depending on land use (forest versus field). Regression models, which were similar for both transects, concern the following pair of variables: soil pH – slope; soil conductivity – elevation; soil moisture – elevation; soil carbon content – elevation; Rwm index – elevation; species number – soil carbon content. The following significant relationships were specific only for the forest transect: C:N ratio – slope and curvature, species number – soil nitrogen content; Rwm index – soil pH. For the field transect the relations between the geobotanical indicators and the properties of the soil are specific like for the pairs: Fwm index – soil moisture, Rwm index – soil moisture and nitrogen content, Hwm index – C:N ratio, Dwm index – nitrogen content. In general, the modifying influence of land use on the values of soil and vegetation parameters is weakly distinguished in the upper parts of both transects, and the most significant on the slopes, within the transition zone. The results of our studies should be useful in modelling of hydrological and geo-chemical relations, especially with respect to small catchment areas, in determination of carbon reservs, as well as in planning of sustainable landscape.








Opis fizyczny



  • Department of Geoecology and Climatology, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-918 Warsaw, Poland


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