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Tiapride impairs the aversive effect of electrical stimulation of the parabrachial complex in a conditioned place task

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The parabrachial complex has been related to various rewarding or aversive behavioral processes, including taste aversion learning and conditioned place aversion. This study examined the effect of tiapride, an antagonist of D2/D3 dopaminergic receptors, on place aversion induced by electrical stimulation of the external lateral parabrachial (LPBe) nucleus. Results obtained show that brain-stimulated animals avoid the area of the maze associated with electrical stimulation but show no such behavioral rejection when they receive an injection of 30 mg/kg tiapride. Furthermore, tiapride did not appear to affect the horizontal motor activity (crossing) of the animals. These results are discussed in the context of the different natural and artificial modalities used to induce aversive behavior and their relationship with dopamine systems.

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Opis fizyczny



  • Department of Psychobiology, University of Granada, Campus of Cartuja, Granada, Spain
  • Department of Psychobiology, University of Granada, Campus of Cartuja, Granada, Spain
  • Department of Psychobiology, University of Granada, Campus of Cartuja, Granada, Spain


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