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Methodics and algorithms for creation of intermodal logistics park

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Metodika i algoritm sozdanija intermodal'nogo logisticheskogo parka

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  • Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University, Molodizhny bl., 20а, Lugansk, 91034, Ukraine
  • Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University, Molodizhny bl., 20а, Lugansk, 91034, Ukraine
  • Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University, Molodizhny bl., 20а, Lugansk, 91034, Ukraine


  • 1. Al'kema V.G., 2012.: Transportnij potencіal Ukraїni v umovah stalogo rozvitku // Vіsnik of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. − № 6 (177), Vol. 1, 92-98 (in Ukrainian).
  • 2. Dybskaja V.V., 2005.: Logistika skladirovanija dlja praktikov. – M.: Izdatel'stvo «Al'fa-Press», 208 (in Russian).
  • 3. Kіchkіna O.І., Kіchkіna Є.O., 2013.: Modeljuvannja sklads'kih procesіv na bazі nechіtkoї logіki // Vіsnik of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. − № 5 (194), Vol. 2, 151-155 (in Ukrainian).
  • 4. Kіchkіna O.І., Shevchenko P.V., 2013.: Pіdvishhennja tranzitnogo potencіalu shodu Ukraїni na bazі stvorennja logіstichnogo centru ta viznachennja gnuchkih tarifіv na logіstichnі poslugi // Vіsnik of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. − № 6 (195), Vol. 2, 53-58 (in Ukrainian).
  • 5. Khalіpova N.V., 2013.: Modeljuvannja logіstichnih sistem mіzhnarodnih perevezen' // Vіsnik of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. − № 5 (194), Vol. 2, 73-79 (in Ukrainian).
  • 6. Nechaev G.I., Gutsalo B.P., Smalts A.I., Slobodyanyuk M.E., 2012.: Theoretical basis for development of territorial-economic and transit potential for transport system South-East of Ukraine and city of Sverdlovsk, Study, PH East Ukrainian National University, Lugansk, 314 (in Ukrainian).
  • 7. Nechaev G.I., Smirniy M.F. and other., 2010.: Regional logistics: methodic basis for creating Euroregion (basing on Lugansk region). Study. PH EUSU Volodymyr Dahl, Lugansk, 200 (in Ukrainian).
  • 8. Nechaev G.I., Struk V.A., Gutsalo B.P., Slobodyanyuk M.E., 2011.: The shaping and developing of transport-communication and logistics infrastructure of Eastern Ukraine, in the context of globalization. Study, PH East Ukrainian National University, Lugansk, 288 (in Ukrainian).
  • 9. Nechaev G., Slobodyanyuk M., 2011.: Development of transport infrastructure in eastern Ukraine and its interaction with the international transport corridors // Teka Kom. Mot. Energ. Roln. – OL PAN, 11B, 95-101.
  • 10. Nechaev G., Slobodyanyuk M., 2008.: Tendencies, prospects and problems of transport-logistical processes dataware automation at Ukraine enterprises // International Scientific Journal “Problemy transportu” tom 3. Zeszyt 4. Gliwice, 27- 32.
  • 11. Nepomnyashiy E.G., 2003.: Investment design: Tutorial. Taganrog: PH State Radio University of Taganrog, 262 (in Russian).
  • 12. Omelchenko A.D., Kujel N.V., Slobodyanyuk M.E., 2012.: Improvement of the processes for transport and defining performance for transport system and complexes. EUVDNU News. – № 6 (177), Vol. 2, 197-201 (in Ukrainian).
  • 13. Pushkar T.A., 2013.: Transkordonnі teritorіal'novirobnichі klasteri: suchasnij stan і perspektivi rozvitku // Problemi ekonomіki − № 1, 130-135 (in Ukrainian).
  • 14. Slobodyanyuk M.E., Lapaeva E.N., Pudrik D.V., Grishenko D.I., 2012.: Formulation of goal for effective development of transport infrastructure, which is adjacent to transport corridor. EUVDNU News. – № 12 – Vol. 2, 288-295 (in Ukrainian).
  • 15. Slobodyanyuk M., Lapaeva E., 2013.: Development of transport and socio-economical potential of eastern Ukraine on the example of Lugansk region // Teka Kom. Mot. Energ. Roln., Vol. 12, No 3, 143-147.
  • 16. Slobodyanyuk M.E., Lapaeva E.N., 2012.: Analysis of external transport flows of Ukraine. EUVDNU News. – № 6 (177) – Vol. 1, 315-319 (in Ukrainian).
  • 17. Slobodyanyuk M., Nechaev G., 2010.: The evaluation technique of logistics’ system cargo transportation efficiency development // Teka Kom. Mot. Energ. Roln. – OL PAN, 10 B, 162-170.
  • 18. Slobodyanyuk M., 2009.: Model of transportational system for freight insurance automation based on digital signature // International Scientific Journal “Problemy transportu” tom 2. Zeszyt 4. Gliwice, 85- 91.
  • 19. Tararychkin I., Nechaev G., Slobodyanyuk M., 2013.: Operation of the road transport network in the presence of various options of freight shipping by automobile transport // Teka Kom. Mot. Energ. Roln., Vol. 13, No 3, 235-238.
  • 20. Tararychkin I.A., Slobodyanyuk M.E., 2010.: Finding competitive ability for various transport ways, with regard to unimodal cargo trafficking. EUVDNU News. – № 4 (146) – Vol. 1, 18-22 (in Ukrainian).

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