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Zależności faunistyczno-ekologiczne kształtujące populacje pasożytów zewnętrznych Apodemus agrarius (Pall.) i A. flavicollis (Melch.) w leśnych okolicach Gdańska


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Faunistical and ecological interdependences forming populations of actoparasites from Apodemus agrarius (Pall.) and A. flavicollis (Melch.) at forest regions of Gdansk

Języki publikacji



4899 specimens of arthropods belonging to three orders: Acarina (Ixodides and Mesostigmata), Anoplura and Siphonaptera were collected from 457 small mammals out of which 246 were Apodemus flavicollis and 211 A. agrarius. Indexes of infestation of both hosts with particular species of arthropods were calculated as well as the ratio of these groups in the whole material of arthropods collected from both species of examined rodents. Seasonal dynamie of particularly abundant arthropods was observed. Dependence between the infestation of A. agrarius and the size of the host and its sex was noted.








Opis fizyczny



  • Zakład Parazytologii Tropikalnej, Instytut Medycyny Morskiej i Tropikalnej, Gdynia


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