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Notes on the "borrowed" specimens and names for Charles De Geer's darkling beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)


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The status of 23 species-group names used by Charles De Geer, for beetles classified in Pyrochroa Geoffroy, 1762, and Tenebrio Linnaeus, 1758, is assessed. Thirteen of these species-group names are unavailable (ten were published in synonymy, three are subsequent usages of available names): Pyrochroa rubra De Geer, 1775 = Pyrochroa coccinea (Linnaeus, 1760); Pyrochroa bimaculata De Geer, 1775 = Apalus bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1760); Tenebrio acuminatus De Geer, 1775 = Blaps mortisaga (Linnaeus, 1758); Tenebrio variolosus De Geer, 1775 = Upis ceramboides (Linnaeus, 1758); Tenebrio molitor De Geer, 1775 = Tenebio molitor Linnaeus, 1758; Tenebrio rugosus De Geer, 1775 = Opatrum sabulosum (Linnaeus, 1760); Tenebrio villosus De Geer, 1775 = Lagria hirta (Linnaeus, 1758); Tenebrio hirticornis De Geer, 1775 = Orthocerus clavicornis (Linnaeus, 1758); Tenebrio boleti De Geer, 1775 = Diaperis boleti (Linnaeus, 1758); Tenebrio gibbus De Geer, 1775 = Psammodes gibbus (Linnaeus, 1761); Tenebrio maurus De Geer, 1775 = Tenebrioides mauritaniens (Linnaeus, 1758); Tenebrio aeneus De Geer, 1775 = Tenebrio chalybeus Linnaeus, 1767, a misidentification of Xylopinus saperdiodes (Olivier, 1775); and Tenebrio surinamensis De Geer, 1775 = Oryzaephilius surinamensis (Linnaeus, 1758). The holotype of Pyrochroa tomentosa De Geer, 1775, and specimens described under the name Tenebrio maurus, De Geer, 1775, from the De Geer Collection were rediscovered within the Paykull Collection, Swedish Natural History Museum. Pyrochroa nigra De Geer, 1775, is a junior synonym of Prionyckus ater (Fabricius, 1775); a recently reported synonymy with Schizotus pectinicornis (Linnaeus, 1758), is an error. The holotypes of Pyrochroa nitida De Geer, 1775, and Tenebrio lardarius De Geer, 1775, are considered lost. Tenebrio gibbus De Geer, 1778, a junior primary homonym of Tenebrio gibbus Linnaeus, 1760, has the replacement name Tenebrio striatus Retzius, 1783, and is a synonym of Zophosis reticularis Say, 1824, syn. nov., making the valid combination of this North American species Discodemus striatus (Retzius, 1783), comb. nov.

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  • Department of Entomology, The Swedish Museum of Natural History, 10405 Stockolm, Sweden
  • Department of Entomology, The Swedish Museum of Natural History, 10405 Stockolm, Sweden


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  • Löbl, I. & A. Smetana. 2008. Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Tenebrionoidea, vol. 5, Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 670 pp.
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  • Quensel, C. 1806. Erster Band, Eleutherata oder Käfer. Erster Theil. In: Schönherr, C. J. (ed.) Synonymia Insectorum oder versuch einer Synonymie aller bisher bekannten Insekten, nach Fabricii Systema Eleutheratorum, etc. geordnet. Stockholm, Heine A. Nordström, 294 pp.
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  • Retzius, I. A. 1783. Caroli De Geer Genera et species Insectorum generosissimi auctoris scriptis, extrassit, digesit, latine quod partem reddidit et terminologian insectorum linneanam addidit. Lipsiae, Sigfried Lebrecht Crusium, 220 pp.
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  • Schönherr, C. J. 1806. Synonymia Insectorum oder versuch einer Synonymie aller bisher bekannten Insekten, nach Fabricii Systema Eleutheratorum, etc. geordnet. Erster Band, Eleutherata oder Käfer. Erster Theil. Stockholm Heine A. Nordström, 294 pp.
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