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Ocena atrakcyjności wizualnej krajobrazu okolic Pińczowa


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An evaluation of visual attractiveness of landscape in the area of Pinczow

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The attempts at evaluating the visual attractiveness of landscape in Poland made so far were usually limited to analysing specific landscapes. In this study, emphasis was also placed on the visual aspect of landscape studies. These elements are mutually complementary and therefore these two approaches should be combined and analysed together. The lack of methodological foundations for determining landscape diversity, particularly physiognomic diversity, made the evaluation more difficult. It was decided that this diversity should be examined when divided into structural (relating to structure) and functional (relating to the functioning of landscape) aspects. The physiognomic diversity was also defined in terms of form (shape and contrast of landscape) and content (that is, type of elements within landscape and the manner they are structured, which is also determined by the cultural factors ). The conducted study of visual attractiveness develop the method of defining the visual attractiveness of landscape based on the physiognomic diversity. Bath methods should be used in conjunction. GIS techniques proved to be particularly useful for the purposes of the study. The progress in the study of landscape aesthetics, particularly its visual aspects, is certainly also due to the improvement of those techniques. A disadvantage of the method of evaluating visual attractiveness of landscape based on physiognomic diversity is a relatively high subjectivity of individual evaluation components. Particularly subjective is the measure of man's impact on the environment. Along with the progress of the study of such impact, it can be expected that the objectivity of the evaluation of this component will increase. At the same time, along with the development of the study of landscape diversity, further formalisation of the aesthetic evaluation of landscape will probably take place. It seems that the procedure outlined in the study can also be applied in other areas. It is particularly well suited for application in diverse, farming areas. However, it should be improved, especially with regard to the evaluation of forest landscape and determining of man's impact on the visual attractiveness of landscape. The study has shown that the area of Pińczów possesses unique landscape assets. Nonetheless, their proper utilisation largely depends on the policies of the local authorities and the attitude of the local population. The occurrence of outstanding landscape assets may contribute to the development of tourism. The study also proves that the aesthetics of landscape has a special role to play in shaping a broadly understood quality of life. It should be hoped that this underestimated direction will be continued in the research conducted by geographers and specialists in related fields of study.

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Opis fizyczny



  • Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa


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