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Środowisko sedymentacji piaszczystych osadów rejonu little desert (SE Australia) w świetle wybranych cech teksturalnych


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Sandy sediment deposits environmental Little Desert area (SE Australia) on selected textural features

Języki publikacji



The Loxton-Parilla Sands in the vicinity of Little Desert (SE Australia) are developed as a sand ridges (barrier forms) and interbarrier areas. It was formed by marine transgression and regression in the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene. The parallel sand ridges run generally north-west to south-east and are composed of medium sand with small portions of clay and silt in the interbarrier parts. The development of both of them took place in dynamic marine environment while barrier forms were transformed by dry aeolian conditions.






Opis fizyczny



  • Uniwersytet Warszawski w Warszawie, Warszawie


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