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2013 | 05 | 2 |

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Correlations between individual factors and long-term nature of tourist trips amongst urban single people

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Background: The analysis of socio-demographic factors that determine the duration of tourist trips among urban single people. Material/Methods: The research included 598 randomly selected single people from Warsaw and Poznan. The study was conducted using the survey method. The relation between trips for ≥ 10 days and the variables characterizing the demographic structure of the respondents were assessed using log-linear analysis. The significance of the impact of the factors examined in the analysis was determined by chi-squared test. Results: Single people from Poznan with secondary and higher education are, respectively, more than 4-fold and 7-fold likely to go on longer trips (≥ 10 days) than shorter ones (< 10 days). Highly educated single people from Warsaw (compared to those with secondary education) are 1.25 times more likely to travel for ≥ 10 days than for < 10 days. The likelihood for long trips also increases several times among people who have income > PLN 2,000 (3 times in Poznan, 7 times in Warsaw) and those declaring income < PLN 1,500 (1.6 times in Poznan, 1.5 times in Warsaw). In the case of respondents from Warsaw, being a man doubles the likelihood of traveling for ≥ 10 days. Conclusions: Participation of urban single people in long-term trips is a reflection of contemporary trends in the market of tourist services. However, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of leisure time behavior of single people. It is crucial in the quest to satisfy the tourist desires of today's consumers of leisure services.

Słowa kluczowe


  • Centre for Physical Education and Sport, Warsaw School of Eonomics, Al.Niepodleglosci 162, 02-554 Warsaw, Poland
  • Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland


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