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1984 | 05 |

Tytuł artykułu

Wiek i ewolucja Szczyrbskiego Jeziora


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The age and evolution of the Strbske Lake

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The depression of land in which the lake occurs was formed as result of melting away of dead ice blocks covered with morainic material left on withdrawal of the last glacier in that area. The investigations of the bed sediament of the Štrbské Lake by the radiocarbon and palynologic methods indicate that the organic sediments in the lacustrine depression began to form in the Atlantic period (7070 ± 240 years B.P.). The lake was formed by the end of the Atlantic period as a result of a more humid climate that set in. At the turn of the Atlantic and the Subboreal periods a number of lakes were formed in the Tatra Mts., even though older lakes are found there as well. The Tatra lakes underwent considerable variations in the water level related to varying humidity of the climate. The variations in the Štrbské Lake are diagrammatically shown in Fig. 5.

Słowa kluczowe






Opis fizyczny





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