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2014 | 23 | 4 |

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Spatial processes of landscape transformation in mining areas (case study of opencast lignite mines in Morzysław, Niesłusz, Gosławice)


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This paper is a landscape study conducted in the post-mining area of Niesłusz-Gosławice. The diagnostic research included qualitative-quantitative features of the landscape (types of patches of land cover, their number, participation in the area) as well as spatial characteristics resulting from the relative positions and deployment of patches. The research was conducted using a set of environmental indicators – landscape metrics that provide a simple tool used in the study of landscape structure. The trends in changes of the analyzed landscape indicators, both for the individual patches of land cover (class metrics) as well as in relation to the landscape as a mosaic of patches of all types of land cover (landscape metrics), show that fragmentation and atrophy of patches, which manifests itself in the form of reduction of area of patches and the increase of their number, is the main processes of spatial transformation of the landscape in post-mining areas. Diagnosis of the structure of post-mining areas and the conclusions arrived at should be taken into account in determining the directions of reclamation and assessment of the effectiveness of the reclamation works carried out.

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  • Department of Integrated Geography, Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University, Dziegielowa 27, 61-680 Poznan, Poland


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