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Exceptional cameral deposits in a sublethally injured Carboniferous orthoconic nautiloid from the Buckhorn Asphalt Lagerstatte in Oklahoma, USA

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The cameral and intrasiphonal deposits of a Pennsylvanian straight nautiloid (Pseudorthoceratidae) are studied in order to understand the formation of these deposits. The specimens from the Buckhorn Asphalt deposit (Oklahoma) are exceptionally preserved including original aragonite and microstructures. The specimen investigated survived a predation attempt and shows bite marks on the phragmocone. This is the second report of an ectocochleate cephalopod and first report of an orthoconic nautiloid which survived massive damage of conch and siphuncle. For the first time, a high−magnesium calcitic mineralogy of cameral deposits is documented. These deposits were formed in alternation with aragonite in a chamber which was perforated during the unsuccessful predation attempt. The animal formed the chamber deposits throughout its entire lifetime and the siphuncle played a major role in formation of the cameral deposits.








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  • GeoZentrum Nordbayern-Palaoumwelt, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Loewenichstrasse 28, 91054 Erlangen, Germany


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