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1962 | 08 | 5 |

Tytuł artykułu

Patogeneza chorób inwazyjnych w świetle teorii stressu


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Pathogenesis of invasive diseases in the light of stress theory
Patogenez invazionnykh boleznejj na fone teorii stressa

Języki publikacji



The author stating that the defensive reactions of the body of the host to the invasion of parasites has a stressor character he deals closer with the invasion of the larvae Ascaris suum Goeze, 1782 as a stressor which causes a typical alarm reaction (AR), which in turn is an element of the general and local adaptation syndrome (GAS and LAS). In particular he submits to discussion the current views on the changes in the haemogram of hosts of the larvae of worms and the observed differences of these changes in relation to changes taking place in the blood owing to the action of other, not parasitic stressors, explains among others by the allergic character of the pathological changes of the host's organism in parasitological invasions. The author stresses also the meaning of the vitamin C defficiency for the development of the pathological processes in invasive diseases and sees the possibility to regard the parasitologic stress as the control mechanism by way of increasing the production of the hormones of the pituitary gland and adrenals and by way of influencing the course of the allergic proccsses in organisms affected with a parasitic invasion. Expressing the opinion, that Selye 's theory is particular useful for the synthetic presentation of the problem of the pathogenesis of parasitic diseases the author points, however, to the need to develop studies on the role of the central nervous system, which according to his view is very essential in the pathogenesis of invasive diseases.

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Opis fizyczny



  • Katedra Zoohigieny, Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza, Olsztyn-Kortowo


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