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Wahania klimatu Ziemi zdeterminowane cyklicznością parametrów Układu Słonecznego


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Fluctuations of the Earth's climate determined by the cyclicity of the parameters of the Solar System

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The paper is composed of seven parts: - Introduction, - The method of "true cycles" for identification of the dense spectra of oscillations, - Chronological sequences characterizing the solar system, - Gravitational influence of planets on solar activity and volcanic eruptions, - Astronomical causes of global warming of climate in 17th-20th centuries, - The holocene cycles of climate in Poland according to the accumulation of organic substances in lake sediments. The purpose of the study was to justify the proposition of the natural - astronomical - conditioning of climate fluctuations on the earth (both the modern ones and those which occurred in the holocene). Enormous cognitive significance is linked with the similarity of the dense spectra of oscillations (the true cycles) of the following groups of variables: climatological (atmospheric circulation, air temperature, precipitation), hydrological (river discharges, the level of Baltic Sea), geological (volcanic eruptions) and astronomical (solar activity, parameters of the solar system). The dense spectra of oscillations of these variables are dominated by the cycles close to the periods of revolution of the four greatest planets (the giants) around the sun: Jupiter (11.86 years), Saturn (29.46 years), Uranus (84.02 years), Neptune (164.70 years), and to the periods of their mutual positions. This implies the proposition of the astronomical causes for the fluctuations of the earth's climate. The identification principle "the dense spectra of oscillations (the true cycles) of the causes and effects are the same" is namely approximately satisfied. The links connecting the variability of the parameters of the solar system ( e.g. acceleration of the sun with respect to the mass center of the solar system, planetary tidal forces on the sun, planetary tidal forces on the earth) are: solar activity and volcanic eruptions, atmospheric circulation and solar radiation. The dense spectra of oscillations were determined with the method of J.Boryczka of "the true cycles". This method consists in identification of the consecutive regression sinusoids with respect to time (the notion of the "regression sinusoid" was introduced by the author of the method), the sinusoids considered having periods regularly spaced, by, say 1/12 = 0.0833 of a year in the range between 0.25 and 300 years. It is shown that climate warming in Europe in 17th-20th centuries - the increasingly warm winters (e.g. in Warsaw- by 1.03°C per century, or in Geneva - by 0.51°C per century)- is the result of superposition of the natural cycles with periods ranging from just a couple to more than 200 years. Along with this, the climate of Poland from 10 thousand years ago was determined (together with B. Wicik) on the basis of accumulation of organic matter in lake sediments (Lakes Wikaryjskie, Gościąż and Święte). The calendar was established according to the datings done with the method of radioactive carbon C¹⁴. An important discovery made by the authors mentioned (Boryczka, Wicik, 1994) is the synchronicity of the cycles of the organic matter accumulated in the sediments of these lakes with the cycles of the parameters of the solar system reaching 7350 years. This constitutes the explanation for the causes of the holocene fluctuations of the earth's climate. They are namely simply the superposition of the natural cycles ranging from several hundred to dozens of thousands of years, conditioned by the parameters of the solar system.

Słowa kluczowe






Opis fizyczny





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