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2011 | 48 |

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Questions on a human being posed on the grounds of geographical education in the context of systems transformation


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in the paper I present the changes in geographical education in context of political, economic and social transitions during the period of transformation. Teachers, who experienced consequences of those transitions, bring some elements of postcommunistic past to their ways of thinking and acting in neoliberal present times. Coexistence of two axio-normative systems implies uncertainty and tension in teachers' didactic and educational work, as well as force them to take up the difficult decisions. From the moral perspective those decisions focus on choosing between the ideal of perfection and rightness or the personality perfection. The teachers bear the long-term responsibility in front of themselves and their students for the choices they made on the field of teaching geography.






Opis fizyczny



  • Institute of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland


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