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Ochrona nadobnicy alpejskiej Rosalia alpina (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) w Polsce - aktualne problemy i sposoby ich rozwiązania

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Protection of Rosalia longicorn Rosalia alpina (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Poland - the current problems and solutions

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Praca przedstawia aktualne problemy ochrony nadobnicy alpejskiej Rosalia alpina (L.). Ten rzadki i zagrożony przedstawiciel chrząszczy z rodziny kózkowatych (Cerambycidae), wymieniony w Załączniku II i IV Dyrektywy Siedliskowej jako gatunek priorytetowy, jest przedmiotem ochrony w kilku ostojach sieci Natura 2000 w Karpatach. W pracy podano najważniejsze obecnie zagrożenia dla gatunku, dotyczące dwóch głównych obszarów jego biologii i ekologii – występowania i stanu zachowania siedlisk gatunku oraz przeżywalności poszczególnych stadiów rozwojowych. Przedstawiono sposoby eliminacji lub minimalizacji zagrożeń i zaproponowano metody ochrony gatunku. Należą do nich: modyfikacja praktyki gospodarczej w lasach – stosowane rębnie i sposób ich realizacji, pozostawianie martwego drewna odpowiedniej jakości w siedliskach gatunku, sposób składowania surowca drzewnego w lasach i ich sąsiedztwie oraz ochrona czynna
The current occurrence range of Rosalia longicorn Rosalia alpina in Poland is limited almost exclusively to the Beskid Niski Mts and the Bieszczady Mts, although formerly it probably overlapped with the occurrence range of the European beech Fagus sylvatica. Despite the fact that threats have been identified, measures undertaken to protect the species proved to be far from satisfactory. The species threats include habitat fragmentation and population isolation. Due to the number and range of beech forests, the distribution of the main host plant is partly insular. At present, in some of the forest stands, there are not enough weakened and dying trees located in sunlit places. Cutting of old forest stands and removal of dead trees − the breeding material of the species, result in the depletion of food resources. Furthermore, in some forest stands, living trees are removed instead of being left to die. Also beech wood storing in the summer season poses a serious threat to the species. Imagines can lay eggs into stored timber, consequently the reproductive effort is thwarted. Additionally, as a result of long-term exposure of the colonized breeding material, the larval stage is exposed to silvicultural practices conducted in the species habitat during the entire development period. The survival rate of imagines can be reduced as a consequence of capturing the beetles by collectors. Measures aiming at protection of Rosalia longicorn should focus on preserving the species habitats. In order to protect them, it is important to preserve old trees in forests, i.e. older than 150 years. Spatial distribution of old forest stands should be determined by potential dispersion of the species. In the areas where Rosalia longicorn occurs, selective forest cutting is recommended, although other felling types are acceptable, provided the continuity of food resources is ensured. At the sites with insufficient numbers of trees suitable for colonization, feeding grounds should be prepared. Clusters consisting of a few trees should be left at logging sites; some trees should be weaken by girdling in order to provide breeding material as soon as possible, while others should be left without any interference till their natural death. To avoid thwarted reproductive effort of Rosalia longicorn, storage of logged beech wood in forest or depots should be prohibited between June 15 and August 31 within a radius of up to 2 km. The paper presents spatial planning of measures aiming at protection of Rosalia longicorn. Breeding material should be left at each species occurrence site and should consist of at least 10 thick (diameter at breast height > 40 cm) dead trees, standing or lying in sunny places, and > 80% of this number should be made up by standing trees. In places where the species was not recorded, at least one cluster of 5 thick (diameter at breast height > 40 cm) dead trees should be left, standing or lying in sunny places, including > 60% of the standing trees. In conclusion, protection of Rosalia longicorn can be implemented with relatively inconsiderable expenditure of resources and the use of compromise solutions combining silviculture and nature conservation








Opis fizyczny



  • Katedra Ochrony Lasu, Entomologii i Klimatologii Leśnej, Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie, al.29 Listopada 54, 31-425 Kraków


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