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2011 | 03 | 2 |

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Positive personality traits as an element of creating the image of a physical education teacher


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To create a positive image among students, a Physical Education teacher should get to know their expectations and visions. The aim of the work was to identify the most significant positive traits which a Physical Education teacher should possess and to identify relations between variables determining students' choices.The results obtained from 744 students (471 females and 273 males) from two uppersecondary schools (1st school n=393; 2nd school n=351) were analysed. The research used a diagnostic poll method - questionnaires. Respondents were asked a half-open question and were supposed to indicate three most significant positive features which should characterise a Physical Education teacher. The analysis was made with the use of the log-linear modelling method. The research indicated the most desired features which should characterise a Physical Education teacher. The analysis of relations (p<0.05) between independent variables (school x gender x year) and a dependent variable (selection of a particular characteristic) allowed revealing a second-order interaction for five traits (calm, caring, understanding, trustworthy, having a sense of humour) and a third-order interaction for three personality traits (fair, benevolent and consistent). There did not appear any relations between independent variables and the selection of such personality traits as self-possessed, friendly and being a partner.Features which, according to students, should characterise a Physical Education teacher should serve as foundations for building a positive image or as the basis for modifying the existing one. Moreover, such knowledge of factors influencing the differentiation of the expectations of students may help a current correction of an attitude to them and to strengthen the teacher's authority.

Słowa kluczowe


  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska, Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Biala Podlaska, Poland


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