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1984 | 05 |

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Osady jezior tatrzańskich i etapy ich akumulacji


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The Tatra lake deposits and their accumulation stages

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Partial results of studies of the lake deposits are reported. The lake sediments were sampled by a research team from the Warsaw University and the Polish Academy of Sciences. The lakes examined are found to be of various age. The oldest deposits connected with the oldest Dryas (or earlier) are found in a few lakes of a very cold climatic zone. The lakes of cold and moderately-cold stages of the mountains are younger; the beginnings of their operation fall at the Boreal and the early Atlantic periods. The youngest sediments were found in the lake Zadni Staw situated in the moderately cold climatic stage. The age of the Tatra lakes was conditioned by the hydrogeological characteristics of that area (older lakes) related to the tectonic systems, and the hydrothermal properties of the postglacial geographic environment of that area (younger lakes). However, the time of deglaciation onset in that part of the Carpathians has not been determined.

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Opis fizyczny





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