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2017 | 161 | 12 |

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Praktyczne problemy określania wysokości stawek czynszu dzierżawy gruntów leśnych pod drogi na przykładzie Nadleśnictwa Kudypy


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Practical problems of determining rental rates of forest grounds leased for road purposes on the example of the Kudypy Forest District

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The article shows the problem of forest grounds rental rates determination. The study was conducted in the Kudypy Forest District (north−eastern Poland). It is often impossible to define rent based on the tender procedure, because only one entity is interested in using the ground or part of it. To solve such problem, the author proposed and tested the direct method of rent determination based on real estate market value. The limited market of leased forest and wooded lands, especially ones leased for roads, makes it impossible to use direct methods. It is necessary to seek for indirect ways to determine the remuneration for making the land available. In practice, the use of estimated land rent in comparative approach (direct method) results in doubts as to whether the outcome should be regarded as a market one. This concerns the difficulty of obtaining the market data due to the restricted access to contracts. The conducted studies present the description of the current procedures used to estimate rental rates for forest and wooded areas in case of the limited market. The article also shows weaknesses of used solutions. The rental rate estimation process was proposed and verified in reference to average land prices for the grounds that comply with the lease purpose. Ultimately, the proposed method takes into consideration particular features of leased forest land. The studies were conducted on different types of undeveloped properties. As the result, it was proved that there is a possibility to estimate a rental rate using the direct method, while the leasing market of forest lands is limited. It is crucial, during the rate fixing, to estimate and adapt real estate prices of properties that are or will be used in the way matching the lease purpose. The use of ground prices with different technical and utility use can cause huge discrepancies between the actual and estimated rental rate. For example, the use of land prices in indirect method leads to underestimation of rental rate by 65%. On the other hand, the rate that was based on the commercial and recreational property prices give a 36% higher result from the value that was determined by the direct method (0.72 PLN/m²).









Opis fizyczny



  • Katedra Planowania i Inżynierii Przestrzennej, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul.Prawocheńskiego 15, 10-720 Olsztyn


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