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The aim of the work was analysis the flora of the 13 mounds found on the study area. It was analysed in respect of membership of syntaxonomical group, form of life, form of dissemination and geographical and historical groups. The mound are habitats of numerous protected, rare and endangered species.
Przetacznik zwodny w podgatunku typowym Veronica paniculata L. subsp. paniculata L. w Polsce znany jest z jednego stanowiska w okolicach Tarnogóry na Wyżynie Lubelskiej. W trakcie badań prowadzonych w latach 2006–2010 w dolinie Wieprza odnaleziono nowe miejsca występowania tego gatunku oraz stwierdzono powiększanie się areału zajmowanego przez roślinę na dotychczas znanym stanowisku. Dobra kondycja przetacznika zwodnego zwiększa nadzieję na zachowanie go w składzie flory krajowej.
Zaraza gałęzista Orobanche ramosa L. jest pasożytniczą rośliną niezwykle rzadko spotykaną w Polsce. Mimo iż gatunek ten podawano z 48 kwadratów siatki ATPOL o boku 10 km, to po roku 2000 nie udało się potwierdzić żadnego z tych stanowisk. W latach 2008–2010 odnaleziono dwa nowe miejsca występowania na Nizinie Nadwiślańskiej i Płaskowyżu Proszowickim. W wyniku poszukiwań terenowych prowadzonych przez autorów w 2012 roku odkryto nowe populacje zarazy gałęzistej w Woli Obszańskiej na Płaskowyżu Tarnogrodzkim oraz w okolicach Brzezin, Tarnowoli i Górecka Starego na Roztoczu Środkowym, w południowej części województwa lubelskiego. Rośliną żywicielską zarazy gałęzistej na Lubelszczyźnie jest tytoń. Potencjalne zagrożenie dla zarazy stanowi intensyfikacja stosowania środków ochrony roślin.
The distribution of the genus Orobanche in SE Poland is presented. The study area stretches between the Vistula and the Bug rivers, and comprises the Polish areas of the Lublin-Lwów Upland, theWołyń Upland and the southern part of Polesie. Eight species of the genus Orobanche: O. alba, O. alsatica, O. arenaria, O. caryophyllacea, O. elatior, O. lutea, O. pallidiflora, O. picridis, were collected during floristic investigations conducted between 1999 and 2010. The hosts, abundance and habitat preferences at the localities are given and a supplemented map of the distribution in SE Poland is included.
Viola uliginosa Besser is a European species mainly known from the Baltic Region. It is endangered in a significant part of its range. Research carried out in the southeastern part of Poland led to the discovery of numerous sites of Viola uliginosa. Fourteen new localities of this species were found in the area of the Kotlina Sandomierska basin. This paper presents information concerning the localization of all new sites, the abundance of Viola uliginosa at the sites and habitats this species occupies. A discussion regarding the endangered status of this species in the Polish flora is given.
Although the knowledge of pollination systems of rare and threatened species is one of the principles for development of optimal conservation and management strategies, the data about their pollination requirements are scarce or incomplete. Different problems are listed (xerothermic habitat disappearance, overgrowing of patches, plant biology i.e., slow plant growth, problems with seed germination) among the possible causes of Adonis vernalis being threatened, but until now no consideration was given to the flowering biology and pollination. The observations of flowering biology of A. vernalis (Ranunculaceae), a clonal species, were conducted in an out-ofcompact- range population, in the Lublin Upland, Poland (51°18'55" N, 22°38'21" E), in 2011–2013. The reproductive potential of A. vernalis is related to the population age structure, pollination syndrome, and breeding system. The flowers exhibit incomplete protogyny. The dichogamy function is supported by different (biological, morphological) mechanisms. Stigma receptivity occurred about one day before anthers started shedding self-pollen, and pollen viability was increasing gradually during the flower life-span (66.3% in distal anthers vs. 77.3% in proximal). The decrease in pollen production and in pollen viability coincided with the lowest degree of seed set, irrespective of the pollination treatment. Pollen vectors are necessary for efficient pollination, as the proportion of pistils setting fruits after open pollination (41–82.1%) was significantly higher compared to spontaneous self-pollination (only 5.5–12.3%). The pollination requirements together with pollen/ovule ratio (P/O = 501) indicate a facultative xenogamous breeding system in A. vernalis. Therefore, in the conditions of the global lack of pollinators, improper pollination may weaken the population by leading to a decrease in the proportion of recombinants, and in addition to other factors, may accelerate extinction of small A. vernalis populations.
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Addendum to the mycobiota of smut fungi in Poland

The paper presents new records of three rare species of smut fungi in Poland. Anthracoidea buxbaumii was collected in new localities, A. caricis collected on Carex montana is a new fungus/host combination in Poland, and Urocystis ranunculiauricomi was found in the country after almost 50 years.
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