The following six species of the subgenus Meloehelea WIRTH of Atrichopogon KIEFFER are recognised in Europe: A. atriscapulus KIEFFER, 1918; A. orbicularis KIEFFER, 1919; A. oedemerarum STORÅ, 1939; A. lucorum (MEIGEN, 1818); A. meloesugans KIEFFER, 1922; A. winnertzi GOETGHEBUER, 1922. They are
diagnosed, interpreted, illustrated and placed in the atriscapulus or lucorum species groups. A. meloesugans is restored from synonymy. Forcipomyia setosipennis KIEFFER, 1911 is considered as a new junior synonym of A. lucorum and A. torgnyensis GOETGHEBUER, 1949 as a new synonym of A. winnertzi. New synonymy. Keys for identification of females and males of the subgenus are also provided. A. atriscapulus is reported for the first time in Europe.