Podjęto próbę poznania stanu świadomości ekologicznej społeczeństwa Polski południowo-wschodniej. Stan świadomości ekologicznej społeczeństwa, ich wiedza, postawy, opinie, nawyki oraz wynikające z tego zachowania nie są obojętne dla ochrony środowiska przyrodniczego. Ich codzienne życie toczy się bowiem w bezpośredniej bliskości przyrody, a ich działania często dotyczą jej wprost.
The paper presents the results of the analysis of the survey carried out among the residents of southeast Poland. Purposes of research were: - study opinions and knowledge about ecology, - study dependence between human nature and ecological consciousness, - comparison poignancy source of ecological information on population. Almost thirty percent respondents have thought that intoxication of natural environment is one of general civilization danger. In addition, significant statistical dependencies have been observed between: - respondent age and their education level, - education level and their residence, - respondent age and their opinions, - "pro-ecological attitude indicator" level and respondent age, - "pro-ecological attitude indicator" level and their education level. There seems to be no dependences between such characteristics such as: - respondent's education level and their opinions, - respondent's education level and their residence, - "pro-ecological attitude indicator" level and their residence