From historical perspective, brand appeared in the 19th century. Its emergence is associated with the development of packaged products. Industrialization shifted the production of large quantities of household products from smaller local companies to centralized factories. The factories producing products of mass production were trying to expand the sales of their products to people who had previously purchased only the products from smaller local companies. The manufacturers of packaged goods from large factories had to convince the market about the quality of their products. We do live in a branded world. There is no doubt about it. We all make produce decisions every day. We probably all have certain types of products of which we like only one or two brands, while we buy other things based on what is on sale on a given day. This inclination to buy branded products is rooted in two basic things: recollection and satisfaction. We remember which one we like by brand name. The concept of branding is so powerful that we now extend it to human beings as well. Have you heard people talk yet about the idea of the Brand Called You? That’s right: People are now thinking that you had better become the brand manager of you, and soon. Say what? This brand thing is getting very close to home.