Przeanalizowano żywotność prywatnych przedsiębiorstw zarejestrowanych w gminie Dobczyce w latach 1990-1992, które przetrwały lub zostały zlikwidowane do roku 2005. Długość funkcjonowania na rynku firm określono w miesiącach. średnio żywotność przedsiębiorstw kształtowała się na poziomie 50 miesięcy. Najdłuższej działało (181 miesięcy) przedsiębiorstwo handlowe zarejestrowane w pierwszym roku po rozpoczęciu transformacji gospodarczej.
Survival of private firms in the gmina of Dobczyce was defined in the months of their existence on the market. Those subjects were analyzed, which were registered during the first years of economic transformation (1990- 1992) and survived or were deleted from the records until year 2005. Most of registered firms in the gmina of Dobczyce are the family-firms. During these three years there were registered 348 private firms and until year 2005 there were deleted 240, that is 69%. Over 60% firms were acting less than five years. Average period of life in the analyzed test was not exceeding 50 months and the longest one was 181 months. In all sort of undertaken activities there were firms with shorter period than one year, what speaks for randomness and even speaks for fiction. Very often local businessmen await help from authorities and self-governments acting on given level to fight back periodical difficulties and strengthen their own standing on the market. This kind of cooperation could add to extension of firms' survival and to permanent growth of given gmina