Przedstawiono procesy dostosowawcze gospodarstw rolnych do standardów Unii Europejskiej w powiecie płockim. Procesy dostosowawcze w poszczególnych gminach mają zróżnicowany charakter. Określono czynniki mające wpływ na liczbę składanych wniosków dotyczących dostosowania gospodarstw rolnych do standardów UE.
The programs for adjusting polish agriculture to the requirements of European Union are a tool used to improve its competitiveness. The number and structure of applications for granting financial assistance in adjusting arable farms to EU conditions submitted by farmers from the Płock region shows a notable diversity of adjusting processes encountered in individual districts.Districts having worse agricultural activity conditions are characterized by less intensive adjusting processes of arable farms within the range of animal production than districts with high level of agricultural production. Adjusting activities support bigger polarization of agricultural production in individual districts of the Płock region. The activities supporting the utilization of EU funds meant to assist economic activities outside agriculture are to be intensified in those districts, where the smallest number of applications was noted. Considerable part of all applications concerning the storage of organic fertilizers proves the existence of positive mechanisms in catching up with the use of organic fertilizers in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection. Adjusting arable farms to the standards of European Union is an activity supporting the modernization of agriculture in the Płock region.