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2015 | 09 | 3 |

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Physical activity level of the youth in selected countries of the world


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Physical activity is one of the most important elements of a healthy lifestyle, and its lack or insufficient amounts can lead to serious health disorders. There are many adult diseases which are associated with the behaviour, lifestyle during puberty, including physical inactivity. It was therefore decided in this study to present the physical activity of young people from six countries in the world in the context of different variables. The following countries: Brazil, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Norway and Nepal were selected for comparison. Although all studies used the same standardized research tool, ie. the International Physical Activity Questionnaire IPAQ, in the course of analysis, the authors encountered difficulties with comparability, associated with the usage of various methods and data processing, which could result in different or reduced comparability. Consequently, it was decided not to make a detailed comparative analysis of individual research results and the presentation of the key conclusions brought about selected studies worldwide. Analyses of studies which have been conducted in different cultural contexts, confirm once again the thesis of the decline in physical activity levels with age for both girls and boys. Gender quite substantially differentiated physical efforts in adolescents. Girls at the age of adolescence are less physically active than boys. It was also noted that the increase of sedentary behaviour among children and adolescents and their disastrous consequences have an impact on the health and life in this age group, the studies of sedentary lifestyle have become a very important subject of many studies. Girls are still “more sedentary” than boys. Many authors, in order to ensure the reliability and relevance of their research, complied with the objective instrument eg. accelerometer or metabolic analyzer.








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  • Pope John II State School of Higher Education in Biala Podlaska, Sidorska 105, 21-500 Biala Podlaska, Poland


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