In the research a simple method of calculation was used. Financial effectivened calculus includes clearing of account in sheep farm taking into consideration your mathods of feed price fixing. On the basis of many accounts acquired, the cost and financial effect put on any product was also considered. Six primary components of financial resources was determined in the final production and in the calculation of coata 8 components of direct cost and indirect cost was considered. The results were formed during the research: - if there is inflation there is need to count on influence of price changes, skyrocketing and uncoordinated movement of prices disorganise the economy of the whole farm and can be the reason of many reactions of producens leading to liquidation of some production lines; - economic calculation provides estiaatlon of the private cost of production and profltability of sheep production; - the calculation of profltability veness should be based on a concrete farm and course of production. The parameters should based on actval facts. The objectiveners of calculation depends on the reliability and accurability of the figures attained; - aboved estimation methods can be utllised for practical purpose in farma. Due to labour consumption in calculating cost of self produced feed, it is advisable to comply with the market price. Different mathods of feed price - flxing will variate with a calculated net income.