In a laboratory experiment an impact of pesticides (fungicides and herbicides) on the sample size soil microbes such as bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi has been examined. Traditional pesticides, widely applied in crops protection, namely Miedzian 50 WP, Siarkol extra 80 WP, and Triflurotox 250 EC have been used, as well as their perfected equivalents, produced either in their modern applicable form, or applied along with an adjuvant admixture, i.e. Miedzian extra 350 SC, Siarkol extra 80 WP along with Silwet 560, Trifluralina 250 EC. From the analysis of the experimental results it can be concluded that changing the applicable form of a pesticide (as for Miedzians), or introducing an additional adjuvant (herbicides), modifies the active substance impact on the microbes. However, in some cases, the difference in the impact between the pesticides under comparison was so small that in statistical terms it was measured as insignificant. The experimental results have not determined the overall impact of which pesticide form, traditional or perfected, upon all the microbes was stronger, since for specific taxonomy groups of the microbes, specific pesticides and even their doses and the measurements dating, either one or the other form was found to have impacted stronger.