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2009 | 59 | 4 |

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Effect of pectin and cellulose on the content of minerals in the femur of rats

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Male Buffalo rats were fed a fiber-free diet (FF) or diets containing 5% of pectin (PEC5) or cellulose (CEL5), or 2.5% of pectin and 2.5% of cellulose combined (PEC2.5+CEL2.5) for over 6 weeks. Determinations were conducted for: diet intake, body weight, and femur weight in rats, as well as for femur contents of Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn and P and the activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP). An addition of pectin and/or cellulose to the diet led to a lower ALP activity and femur Zn content in rats. The ingestion of PEC5 and PEC2.5+CEL2.5 diets caused a lower femur P content as compared to the FF diet and also a decrease in diet intake as compared to FF and CEL5 diets. A significant decrease in Mg accumulation in the femur has also been observed in rats fed PEC5 in comparison to those fed with CEL5 and FF diets, i.e. 29% and 25%, respectively.

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  • Department of Food Science and Dietetics, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland


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