1.Krajniuk A.I., Starcheous Y.V., 2000.: Systems of gas-dynamic supercharging. - Publ. EUSU. Lugansk., 224.
2.Krajniuk A.I., Starcheous Y.V., 2012.: Researches of physical essence of processes of transformation of energy on the principles of cascade and thermal compression. - Publ. Knowledge. Lugansk., 118.
3.Starcheous Y.V., 2011.: Scientific activity of DVS VNU chair of V. Dahl/ Internal combustion engine, NTU "HPI" Scientific and technical journal.-. Kharkov. - No. 1. - 68-72.
4.Starcheous Y.V., 2000.: Thermodynamic analysis of system of utilization of an internal combustion engine / Works of Tavriysky state agrotechnical academy. - Melitopol. - Rel. 2 Vol. 14. - 26-31.
5.Starcheous Y.V., 2001.: Research of indicators of operation of the ejector of system of utilization of the combined engine / Works of Tavriysky state agrotechnical academy. - Melitopol. - Rel.2 Vol. 19.- 53-57.
6.Starcheous Y.V., Levchuk V.P., ChernyxA.V., Ihevleva L.I. 2001.: Research of thermodynamic efficiency of utilization system of the combined engine / The messenger of the East Ukrainian national university of V. Dahl, - Lugansk: Publ. EUSU, - № 6(40). P.2L- 169-173.
7.Krajniuk A.I., Krajniuk A.A., 2004.: The cascade pressure exchanger. Patent UA №77261A, International patent classification 7 F 02 В 33/00/,-№20040806986; it is declared 21.08.2004; ; it is published 15.11.2006, bulletin №11.
8.Krajniuk A.I., 2010.: Thermal compressor of cascade exchange by pressure. Problemy transportu. Międzynarodowe czasopismo naukowe, Tom 5 zeszyt 1, Wydawnictwo politechniki slaskiej Gliwice, 15-22.
9.Krajniuk A.I., Krajniuk A.A, Bryantsev M.A., 2008.: Use of the principles of a cascade exchange by pressure in a running cycle of gas refrigerators / Internal combustion engine, NTU "HPI" Scientific and technical journal.-. Kharkov. - No. 1. - 57-61.
10.Krajniuk A.I., Krajniuk A.A, Alexeev S.V., Bryantsev M.A., 2007.: Calculation and choice of key parameters of a cascade exchanger of pressure / Internal combustion engine, NTU "HPI" Scientific and technical journal.-. Kharkov. - No. 1. - 57-62.
11.Krajniuk A.I., Alexeev S.V., Bryantsev M.A., 2006.: Features of working process of a cascade exchanger of pressure / Internal combustion engine, NTU "HPI" Scientific and technical journal.-. Kharkov. - No. 2. - 102-105.
12.Krajniuk A.I., Storcheous J.V., Gogylya A.M., Danileychenko A.A., Bryantsev M.A., 2001.: Calculation of processes of a heatmass exchange in blowing-off volumes of heatpower plants. / Politechnika szczecińska. Wydział mechaniczny. Katedra eksploatacji pojazdow samochodowych. Towarzystwo wiedzy powszechnej oddział regionalny w szczecinie. Eksploatacja silników spalinowych. Zeszyt Nr. 3.
13.Krajniuk A.I., 2010.: New schemes and principles of the organization of working processes of heat power cars. / The messenger of the East Ukrainian national university of V. Dahl, - Lugansk: Publ. EUSU, - № 7(125). P.2L- 197-200.
14.Krajniuk A.I., Krajniuk A.A., 2005.: Features of the organization of working process of units of cascade compression and some directions of their application / The messenger of the East Ukrainian national university of V. Dahl, - Lugansk: Publ. EUSU, -№ 8(90). - 169-173.
15.Krajniuk A.I., 2009.: Thermal compressor of cascade pressure exchange/ Silesian university of technology publication faculty of transport. I International Scientific Conference. Transport problems, Katowice-Kroczyce. №17-19.- 186-191.
16.Krajniuk A.I., 2010.: Development of supercharging systems of internal combustion engines with the cascade pressure exchanger /ТЕКА Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa. - OL PAN, Lublin , № 10A, 303-310.
17.Krajniuk A.I., 2010.: The Krajniuk's cascade exchanger and new principles of the organization of working process of the gas-turbine engine/ TEKA Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa. - OL PAN, Lublin, №10C, 151-162.
18.Krajniuk A.I., 2010.: The organization of working process and sampling of parameters of Krajniuk cascade-recuperative pressure exchanger / TEKA Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa. - OL PAN, Lublin, №10C, 140-150.
19.Krajniuk A.I., Alexeev S.V., Krajniuk A.A., 2009.:The ICE supercharge system with boosting air deep cooling // Internal combustion engine, NTU "HPI" Scientific and technical journal.-. Kharkov. -No. 1. - 57-61.
20.Krajniuk A.I., Alexeev S.V., Kovtoon A.S., 2011.: The cascade pressure exchange supercharge system with boosting air deep cooling test results / Aerospace equipment and technology: collection of works: Thermal engines and power installations. Kharkov. №10(87), - 168-172.
21.Krajniuk A.I., Bryantsev M.A., 2010.: Krajniuk's air refrigeration unit / Alternative kilowatt. Russia, Rybinsk, Publishing house "Media grandee ". -№5. -40-45.
22.Krajniuk A.I., Bryantsev M.A., Krajniuk A.A.,2010.:The new principle of transport refrigeration installation working process organization on Krajniuk's cascade pressure exchanger base. The messenger of the East Ukrainian national university of V. Dahl, - Lugansk: Publ. EUSU , - № 5(147). Р.1.- 168-177.
23.Krajniuk A.I., Bryantsev M.A., 2010.: The Krajniuk's cascade-recuperative pressure exchange refrigeration unit. / Carload park. International information scientific and technical magazine, -Harkov: Publishing house Rolling stock of Tekhnostandart corporation, - № 11.- 25-30.
24.Krajniuk A.I., 2011.: The new schemes and principles of heat-power machines working processes organization. / The messenger of the East Ukrainian national university of V. Dahl, - Lugansk: Publ. EUSU, № 12(166). Р.1.- 94-106.
25.Krajniuk A.I., Krajniuk A.A., 2004.: Cascade exchanger of pressure. Patent UA №77261A, International patent classification F 02 В 33/00, request №20040806986; it is declared 21.08.2004; it is published 15.11.2006, bulletin №11.
26.Krajniuk A.I., Pushov V.V., Klyus O.V., Krajniuk A.A., 2010.: Pressure exchanger. Patent RF №2382240, International patent classification F 02 В 33/00, request № 2008143154/06; it is declared 30.10.2008; it is published 20.02.2010, bulletin №5.
27.Krajniuk A.I., 2009.: Krajniuk's air refrigeration unit. Patent UA №44210, International patent classification F 25 В 9/00, request № U200903450; it is declared 10.04.2009; it is published 25.09.2009, bulletin №18.