Due to insufficient knowledge on the reaction of cultivars to organic system and the lack of cultivar recommendations for this system, the studies were undertaken to determine the suitability of nine spring barley cultivars for organic farming. Mycological analysis was carried out on harvested grain of cultivars which sowing material originated from conventional system. A two-year study in an organic farm revealed that the cultivars commonly grown in the conventional system showed a different reaction in ecological conditions. Alternaria alternata and Epicoccum nigrum dominated in all samples of harvested grain, and the percentage of pathogens differed. The results of earlier studies and the results presented in the paper revealed that the main pathogen occurring on the grain of spring barley cultivated in organic system was B. sorokiniana. This pathogen was isolated from all grain samples, but in the case of a cv. Stratus its occurrence was the lowest. In the case of this cultivar, thousand grain weight was relatively high. This suggests that cv. Stratus positively respond to the organic conditions.